COVID-19 Updates: A Letter from Dr. Gorlovsky
Dear Windermere Orthodontics Patients,
We hope this letter finds everyone healthy, happy and prepared to ease back into regular routines. We want to update you on our office, and the steps we are taking to ensure we do everything possible to provide a safe environment to keep our patients and our team healthy.
While our office has been closed, I have been listening to webinars, reading articles, and staying up to date on recommendations by numerous applicable sources. The wealth of information is continually changing, but I promise you I am doing my part to make sure I do everything in my power to keep everyone safe.
We are following rigorous scheduling protocols and office measures to ensure the safety and well-being of you, our patients, and the team members of Windermere Orthodontics.
- There will be a limited amount of appointments per day, roughly half of the regular appointment load.

- OUR PARKING LOT IS OUR NEW RECEPTION AREA. When you arrive for your appointment, please call our office at 770-888-1929 to inform us of your arrival. Please continue to wait in your car until a treatment chair is ready for the patient. Once a chair is ready, we will let you know and please HAVE ONLY THE PATIENT come into the office. (We will make exceptions for our youngest patients who may be accompanied by one adult). Please do not have any siblings or guests come into the office. Though my favorite part of our office is the family atmosphere, right now we have to love the whole family from afar.
- All patients will be emailed a link to a Wellness Survey that must be filled out in the 24 hours prior to EACH APPOINTMENT. The link will come with an appointment reminder email. It will also be posted on our front door as a QR code.
- Upon entrance into the office, there will be a desk for our Wellness Coordinator, who will check the patient’s temperature. If the temperature is 100.4 ֯ F or greater, your appointment will have to be rescheduled. We also suggest taking the patient’s temperature at home prior to heading to the appointment.
- Please do not eat or drink anything very hot or cold 30 minutes before your appointment time and please avoid exercise during that time frame, since those things can affect a temperature reading. Also, due to our new personal protective gear to keep everyone safe, our office may be cold, so please bring a sweater or sweatshirt.
- Please bring your own mask and wear it to your appointment. Federal guidelines for social distancing and wearing masks in businesses continue, so bring the mask you have been using. If you do not have your own, we will provide one; however, personal protective equipment supplies are dangerously low. If we run out, we will have to close the office again. Our patients will be asked to use hand sanitizer that we will provide as they enter the office. Anyone who is not a patient who enters our office (with permission in a few circumstances) will have to fill out a Wellness Survey, have their temperature taken and use hand sanitizer upon entry.
- Maintain the 6 foot social distancing when in our office until seated in the treatment chair.
- Patients will be seated at EVERY OTHER CHAIR in the office to maintain social distancing, which is one of the reasons for the reduced schedule.
- The tooth-brushing station will be used only as a hand-washing station. PLEASE BRUSH YOUR TEETH AT HOME.
- Patients will be asked to rinse with hydrogen peroxide at the chair. A cup with the rinse will be provided, the patient will rinse for 30 seconds and then spit back in the cup and the assistant will suction it.
- We ask for understanding while we will try to address all of your treatment needs during your visit. Individuals with multiple broken brackets may not have everything completed during this visit due to strict scheduling times.
- Aerosol generating procedures such as braces removal or aligner attachments will be limited to certain times of the day. Special personal protective equipment and measures will be required for myself and team members in order to keep everyone safe.

- WE LOVE OUR PATIENTS! We also love to chat with you at your appointment. Please understand that conversations will be significantly reduced to allow for social distancing, running on time, disinfection of treatment chairs and sterilization of instruments, etc.
- The coffee and cookie station will be closed while in this re-entry to normalcy time.
- We will take the temperatures of every team member, including Dr. Gorlovsky, immediately upon arrival at work, and after lunch. Any team member at 100.4 F or above will go home.
- Every team member will answer the Wellness Survey that our patients are required to answer, and will do so every day. If any questions indicate a possible exposure to COVID-19 they will be asked to go home.
- We have invested in a PECO technology air purification unit to run in the clinic area, where we will see patients.
- We also invested in a new disinfection process with HOCl fogging several times a day for maximum disinfection.
- Our instrument sterilization process will continue to be monitored by an outside company to assure safety.
- Our team is undergoing extra training to safely work in our new environment and have the full protection recommended by regulatory bodies.
- We will use technology in the form of virtual appointments for certain types of visits, such as growth observation, retainer monitoring and aligner progress checks. This will not only save you a trip, but also promotes social distancing. Our office will contact you in advance if this is an option. You may also request a virtual appointment for any treatment status, if you would feel more comfortable working remotely with us for the time being.
We are so grateful for every one of our patients, and this time away has only served to make us even more thankful for each of you. You are the life-force of our practice, and this is why we are taking your safety VERY seriously. We would ask for your patience and understanding.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office.
Dr. Gorlovsky and Britni, Amanda, Millie, Jen, Heather, Whitney, Aby, Kristen, Jenny